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How you can donate and help OUR Church
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). At YOUR Lochmaben church, we encourage a culture of giving. Every gift makes an incredible difference to our incredible church, the people of lochmaben and our work in the world. Give a single gift online or in person, and you can even set up recurring donations. We are so grateful for your commitment and generosity.
ways you can donate:
GIFT aid
All that is required is that the donor must pay UK income tax or capital gains tax, at any rate, at least equal to the amount of tax being reclaimed, and give their offering or donation through offering envelopes or by bank standing order or by cheque to establish the necessary audit trail.
Further Information can be sought from the Minister or an Elder.
A gift to the Church in your Will
The work of the Church has been assisted greatly by many generous gifts in the Wills of members, adherents and supporters. If you wish to make a gift in your Will to support the work of the Church, it can support your local congregation or the work of a particular council or the work of the Church of Scotland in general.
Direct Debit or Standing order
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